Thursday, February 10, 2011

Keyword Jumble

There are a large number of syntactic similarities between Java and C#, similarly almost every Java keyword has a C# equivalent except for a few like transient, throws and strictfp. Below is a table of Java and C# keywords with the Java keywords in red while the equivalent C# keywords are in blue.
C# keyword Java keyword C# keyword Java keyword C# keyword Java keyword C#
abstract abstract extern native operator N/A throw throw
as N/A false false out N/A true true
base super finally finally override N/A try try
bool boolean fixed N/A params ... typeof N/A
break break float float partial N/A uint N/A
byte N/A for for private private ulong N/A
case case foreach for protected N/A unchecked N/A
catch catch get N/A public public unsafe N/A
char char goto goto1 readonly N/A ushort N/A
checked N/A if if ref N/A using import
class class implicit N/A return return value N/A
const const1 in N/A sbyte byte virtual N/A
continue continue int int sealed final void void
decimal N/A interface interface set N/A volatile volatile
default default internal protected short short where extends
delegate N/A is instanceof sizeof N/A while while
do do lock synchronized stackalloc N/A yield N/A
double double long long static static
else else namespace package string N/A
enum N/A new new struct N/A N/A strictfp
event N/A null null switch switch N/A throws
explicit N/A object N/A this this N/A transient2
NOTE: Although goto and const are Java language keywords they are unused in the Java language.
NOTE: The [NonSerialized] attribute in C# is equivalent to the transient keyword in Java.

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